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I am planning to get my charms done and I noticed that Elf Overseer needs only 5 kills to get completed.

How it’s respawn works and where I can find him exactly?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1,417 points)
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First the Thornfire World Change. has to be active- to activate it every single elf in Shadowthron must be killed at least once.
In order for them to spawn you need to put down every single fire there is at Shadowthorn at least once because the fire will reappear during the day, doing this will make them appear at the server save in the following locations:

How to put the fire out? you will need to get an ordinary Bucket, then use a Flask of Embalming Fluid on it to make a Prepared Bucket, which is sealed so it can hold the slippery bog water then go to the right side of Shadowthorn where a bunch of frogs hang out and use the bucket in the pond then use the water in the fire, i recommend to create a lot of prepared bucket so you don't have to make 1000 trips to the pond.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RcGu4kGtSc (PORTUGUESE)
