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I was wondering how Dire Penguin spawn actually works? Do they appear at specific hours or can I trigger their respawn?
by (5,791 points)
In this dire penguin question, it has stated that at least one dire penguin may respawn daily. Still, I would like to know more about the mechanism of it: https://www.tibiaqa.com/1729/how-often-do-dire-penguins-appear?show=1729#q1729
by (6,736 points)
I think that this question shouldn't be closed. There is a difference in mechanism of the moster and locations and frequent of it's spawn.
by (5,791 points)
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I also agree with this. It is more likely a case where the player want to understand the boss or spawn mechanic (for example, there is a lot of discussion about boss Mahateb mechanic)
Oh Thank you FPoPP and Pochwalona for defending ! :)

1 Answer

–1 vote
by (28 points)
Come on! I will chew my knowledge about Dire Penguin for you. First of all you need to start checking the complete Ice Island Quest. You will have to check for 3 different places: City of Svarground, Tyrsung and Helhein. Then I explain why not to consider Okolnir. As far as I can see all the places where there are GROUPS of penguins can cause 1 daily respaw. It is inaccurate due to lack of data to say the average time range that can respaw because there are many places to check at the same time. The dire penguin's respaw cannot be blocked.

Groups of penguins in Svarground: 7 points;

Groups of penguins in Tyrsung: 3 points;

Groups of penguins in Helhein: 1 point.

In Olkonir there are only a group of penguins, but I never found Dire Penguin there so I don't consider this place.

Dire penguin is easy to find when checked constantly. The easiest place to find the dire penguin is in Svarground as you do not need access and there are the largest number of groups. It is not so difficult to notice that Dire Penguin appeared on the site despite having the same appearance as a normal penguin. They run more, have physical attack, use the explosive stone magic (exori mas) and give you paralyzer. It does not have a nice loot and only serves to make bestiary (30 charm points).

The tip is to check all the places with normal penguins, mark on the map and make a route. I used to start by checking the frozen river south to the left of Svarground and kept hurting up the ice mountain going north then to the right of the mountain. In Tyrsung there are groups to the north and south of the island and in Helhein to the north.
by (6,736 points)
The answer is very nicely written, but it contains literally not even small info how does the respawn works. First of all it's not true, that Dire Penguin ALWAYS appear in a groups of penguins. A great example is the respawn place near Chyllfroest bridge, where Dire Penguin spawns among Frost Trolls. Secondly, you can kill more Dire Penguins during one day. Moreover if we don't know the average time range - then we don't know how exactly the mechanism of Dire Penguin respawn works, right? This is the reason why I gave up answering here. Finally I don't see any proof that the respawn can not be blocked. To be sure if it's doable or not, we should stand 24/7 between respawns to be sure if floor resets have influence on its' appearing.
by (1,141 points)
"Only serves to make bestiary"
Interesting, I was under impression that it serves as a penguin boss (maybe even some kind of a trap to kill botters in the past) and I've always been happy to find it - years before the implementation of bestiary.
+ The answer lacks a good research, as Pochwalona already mentioned.