+2 votes
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Hello there,

As mentioned above, what's the best spot for solo ED?

It's all about exp, I'm not bothered about money.

Can you also tell how much exp/hr at 225% and 2 exp preys can I get there?

Thanks for all replies!

2 Answers

0 votes
by (7,021 points)
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by (6,736 points)
Kilmaresh Catacombs are good for ED, but not solo. I would suggest it with EK or even better - RP. On the other hand Issavi Surface would be much better for mage.
by (7,021 points)
Thanks I gonna edit that!
0 votes
by (12 points)
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A new cool spot for druid came with the last Winter Update 2023
Nimmersatt's Breeding Ground

Monsters are sensitive to earth. On ground floor, with 975 druid, I do around 6kk raw exp / h without charms (around 15kk/h with xpboost + preys). On +1 floor I saw video of druids making more than 9kk raw exp / h, but I won't try that before I do charms on Mega Dragons since there are too many of them on +1.


I managed to do 7,7 kk raw exp / h on +1 floor with 2/3 charms.
