+5 votes
by (1,516 points)
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> We observe in some houses that some bosses have animation, as for example: "The Fear Feaster" and others don't (Izcandar).

> How to know in advance if the boss has animation?

4 Answers

+7 votes
by (600 points)
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Outfits in Tibia can have up to two animations: one idle and/or one moving. The idle animation is the one you see when the monster/player is not moving between sqms. If an outfit contains an idle animation and it is composed of a single sprite, then it would look completely still. The podium of vigour uses the idle animation, therefore, it will only show some sort of movement if the outfit used by the boss has an idle animation with more than 2 sprites.

This is the list of bosstiary bosses with such idle animations as of Feb 2024:

  • Ascending Ferumbras
  • Alptramun
  • Anmothra
  • Brain Head
  • Faceless Bane
  • Goshnar's Greed
  • Goshnar's Hatred
  • Goshnar's Spite
  • Heoni
  • Irgix the Flimsy
  • King Zelos
  • Lord of the Elements
  • Megasylvan Yselda
  • Realityquake
  • Rotworm Queen
  • Shlorg
  • Thaian
  • The Dread Maiden
  • The Fear Feaster
  • The Mutated Pumpkin
  • The Plasmother
  • The Source Of Corruption
  • The Time Guardian
  • Unaz the Mean
  • Vok the Freakish
  • Willi Wasp
by (4,161 points)
I added to list Realityquake, and if i will know more i will add.
by (600 points)
Thanks, I don't know how that one slipped past my list. I have just double checked and it seems to be complete as of now :)
by (600 points)
With today's patch, Ascending Ferumbras joins this list (replacing the previously static Ferumbras Mortal Shell).
by (600 points)
With today's patch, While Pale left the list (it used to use its move animation for the lack of an idle one, but this patch introduced a static idle animation for it).
+5 votes
by (2,216 points)
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Best answer

The answer is simple. First, let's look at the animations below.


Hairman the Huge

Why is the podium with Alptramun animated and with Hairman the Huge not? There is a slight difference in these the two bosses. It turns out that some bosses/monsters have animation while they don't move. And those are the kind of bosses that will be animated on the podium of vigour. Bosses that have no animation while standing will not be animated on the podium.

by (5,070 points)
In the second image how could you hide the base of the podium?? how can I do that?
by (2,216 points)
To be honest, I don't remember. I think there is a "show podium" option available somewhere that can be unchecked. Unfortunately, I haven't played Tibia for a while and don't have a house to check it out.
by (5,070 points)
Yes you are right didnt even see that option haha
0 votes
by (4,384 points)
I'd like to add a little "hack" to know if a given boss will/won't have an animation on it's Podium:

If it is a cooldown boss, therefore if it appears on the "Boss Cooldown Window", his podium will be like shown in his cooldown timer. If you can see an animation on the Cooldown Window, then the Podium will also have the same animation. Just a little trick, so you don't have to check a list everytime. Only works on bosses shown on the cooldown list, tho, thats the downside :)
0 votes
by (132 points)
If the boss flies, it surely has animation. You have already been given a list, but keeping this detail in mind may help you to remember which ones do and which ones don't have animation.