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by (1,346 points)
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In some lever bosses, there are monsters that constantly respawn in the room during the fight.

For example at The Pale Worm fight, the team will also face many Greed Worms  that respawn in the room. Is the respawn of not bosses monsters affected by the increased respawn rate of events?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (6,714 points)
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Best answer
In case of rapid respawn weekends - no, it doesn't afect it's respawn, but at te moment when we have 2x faster respawn after Winterlight Solstice Event -yes. Anyway it is still possible to kill for example King Zelos, and room with Vampiric Bloods is even easier.
by (1,346 points)
I've noticed that the amount of Greed Worms at Pale worm was considerable higher this week, we were killing them and getting surrounded again in seconds.
by (6,714 points)
Yeah, the same situation is with Fetters before King Zelos fight =/
0 votes
by (4,301 points)
These monsters have respaw fixed, so an increased respawn will not affect their them.