+4 votes
by (17,404 points)
I know during the Christmas event the Grynch Clan Goblins come and sometimes drop Snowman Packages. If you open 100x Fresh Snowman Packages that never been opened before (It will say Furniture Kit and not Snowman Package if it's been opened before and these don't count for the achievement) I've heard Snowmen melt when the Christmas event isn't active but stay in your depot and don't melt all year. I've personally never tested this out, but am I able to use the Snowman Package in my house when the Christmas event is over, and does it still count toward the achievement, or does it instantly melt in your inventory and house so it won't count towards the achievement?
by (5,730 points)
I've never tried it before, but according to TibiaFandom "The package will disappear along with all the snowmen once the Christmas event is over." Based on them, it's been a little over a week since the event ended, so they should have disappeared. I don't have any fresh snowman pack, in case you have it then it is possible to open any time of year.

3 Answers

+4 votes
by (1,669 points)
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Actually, Christmas decoration disappears a little sooner than its was stated here, it happens on January 10, server save. It includes snowman packages, snowmen from snowman packages (the ones with the name of the char who unpacked it) and snowmen from furniture kits (the ones with no character name on them). However, furniture kits containing snowman does not disappear, but these don't not count for the achievement.

We added this information to TibiaWiki back on January 10, but I just noticed this question now.
by (5,791 points)
So if I don't open my snowman package looted from a Grynch, it will vanish? It is the same rule today?
+2 votes
by (5,689 points)

In the past, snowmans packages like other decorations, disappeared after a month after christmas. However, I noticed that since the achievement is possible to get my snowmen in the house and depot survived the whole year. It seems to me that unpacked parcels won't disappear either.

by (17,404 points)
I mean if you can open it in your house and use it for the achievement let's say April which is after Christmas Event. Will it work? And you're saying the Snowmen in the house disappeared or didn't?
by (5,689 points)
well ... I didn't keep the snowman at the house all year round, but I unpacked it several times, for example for 2 days, then I put it back in the depot and it didn't disappear all year round. I think they don't disappear.
by (17,404 points)
I will wait for maybe confirmation of it just incase
+1 vote
by (5,791 points)
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Best answer

Yes, you can! Today this is a viable way to get the achievement!

The trick here is to open the Snowman Package during the Christmas Event but wrap it before 10th of January. The general rule is that even unpacked snowman packages might vanish during this server save of January 10th (I shall confirm it this next year if possible).

As long as it is a wrapped furniture kit of a snowman (and NOT a fresh looted Snowman Package), you shall keep this in your depot.
