+2 votes
by (1,516 points)

Some fansite items have "two sprites", for example: Shield of Destiny.  

> Is it possible that when this item becomes a replica both sprites are visible?

> What will be the main sprite?

> How do animations work on a replica of an item like this?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (620 points)
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I have the answer to this using a simple gif. Note that the animation of the Good and Evil side of the shield happens just once, after this it remains without any animation until it changes its appearance by itself. Here are the transitions in a gif:

You don't need to click, it happens spontaneously, just changes to a white shape transition of the shield and becomes the new form.

The gif stops on the Good-Side animation, but it flaps its wings normally. If you move the replica, it will return to the Good-Side (from the start of the animation) (everyone will see this change). if you lose the vision shield, when he leaves the screen, he will revert to the original animation (this should only happen for you).

by (1,516 points)
Brighid, thank you very much for your explanation! I can't see the image... Please can you put the image again?
by (17,406 points)
I can't see the image as well you can also upload it via the image icon :)
by (620 points)
Sorry, the place where I made the gif apparently expired its link. I've uploaded those gifs now directly.