+7 votes
by (105 points)
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Every fansite contest has its rewards from first to third place, and each one has its value. I would like to know the value of the items in kk

4 Answers

+5 votes
by (190 points)
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That is a hard one to as there are a lot of fansite items around and the price depends mostly on the frequency that fansites organize quests.

I would say memory box Memory Box.gif is the cheapest around since it is the fansite item of TibiaEvents. We organize contests and events on a monthly basis so there is a new memory box around every month. Price ranges from 45 to 55kk

Latest contests that gave fansite items were promoted by TibiaLife, giving a Adamant Shield Adamant Shield.gif and TibiaMagazine giving a Midnight Panther Doll Midnight Panther Doll.gif. Both are for sale on Antica Trade Boards for around 200kk

Also for sale on Antica Trade Boards you can find Heavily Bound Book Heavily Bound Book.gif for 90kk, Epaminondas Doll Epaminondas Doll.gif for 55kk, Shield of Destiny Shield of Destiny.gif for 110kk,  

Few original fansite items that are from fansites that left the program (for that reason you can buy a replica of the fansite item on Adventurer's Guild) can be find with prices around 50kk, such as: Doll of Durin the Almight Doll of Durin The Almighty.gif, Friendship Amulet Friendship Amulet.gif, Draken Doll Draken Doll.gif, etc.

For most of regular fansite items I would say that the price ranges from 100 to 150kk.

by (4,311 points)
The price may vary according how rare is the item, if the fansite is still online  and how difficult is to get it.
+3 votes
by (4,161 points)
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Due to the fact that someone edits my post and puts in their own prices without knowing the real, so i decidet to update my post. I will try to change the post on a regular basis if the prices are change.

I would like to add that for years i have been watching the prices of fansite items, also buying and selling by myself.

Prices depend on pvp and no pvp worlds. I give prices from pvp servers, mainly Antica. Mostly in this world, items are sold and bought. To some of them i will add an explanation of why the item is priced at a given amount. 

Midnight Panther Doll  500 KK  Recently, one was sold at the char bazaar for 20 000 Tibia coins. There are very few panthers in the game and there is a lot of interest in this item due to its appearance. This item is very rarely put up for sale. Recently someone offered 22 000 Tibia coins for my panther. 

Curnor's heart   400KK - 450KK  This is another desirable item that people are willing to pay a lot for. For example my friend. This item is very hard to win in competitions, because the fansite is popular and a lot of people take part on them. This item is rarely for sale, therefore the price is high. 

Love Elixir   200KK-250KK  This is another item that was sold on the char market, was sold for 11 401 Tibia coins. Link to te auction here  This item was introduced to the game recently. There are only a few of them.

Mathmaster Shield  Value around 350KK. This shield has not been for sale for a long time. It was sold at a char bazaar for 15,000 Tibia coins. You can see the auctions here. Even though a replica of it has been introduced, this item is very rare.

Adamant Shield   Price for this shield has increased because it is rarely put up for sale. I have received several offers for this item from collectors. Value around 450-550KK. One was sold las time for 525KK.

Little Adventurer Doll    There's only 3 in all Tibia. 2 in pvp servers and 1 in non pvp server. Recently the item was put up for sale on the forum. Link here. There was talk of the 700KK offer. Unfortunately, I don't know the final offer. 

Bard Doll  It has recently been introduced to the game. Has been sold for 15 000 Tibia Coins. It's worth around 350KK.

Majestic Shield I recently  sold it for 95KK. 

Epaminondas Doll   It was sold for 3,500 Tibia coins. Auction here It's worth around 80KK-90KK.

Doll of Durin The Almighty   I sold this doll to a collector for 70KK on Antica.

Black Knight Doll  A friend of mine owns this item. He got several offers. Worth around 350KK.

Loremaster doll   A very rare doll. Unfortunately, it can no longer be won in competitions. The item is also available as a replica. Due to its rarity, the price has risen to 350KK. Collectors are willing to pay the highest price.

Shield of Destiny   Item sold frequently. Value around 250-300KK.

Mini NabBot Price in the range of 100KK-150KK

Omniscient Owl There are already quite a few available in the game. The price varies between 100KK-150KK.

Memory Box   Very often this item can be won in contests on Tibiaevents, therefore its value has decreased significantly. Value up to 40KK.

Old Radio   Has been sold for 5 000 TC [100-110KK] You can check the auctions here

* I would like to add that items with constant animation, for example like Midnight Panther, are worth more. The same goes for some items that are no longer available, such as Old Radio.

Items that are also available in fan page contests. I will add that the prices differ whether they are assigned to the character. More valuable are those that have no description (unwritten).

Trophy of Excellence:

Bronze  Worth 5KK. Was sold on Antica. Check here.

Silver  Worth 10KK.

Gold  Sold for 15KK on Antica.

Golden Warrior Trophy   I recently bought for 30kk. I suspect that others are going to be bought cheaper.

Other Items :

Grey Tome  Several were sold at the market in Antica. Value 500KK-600KK.

Nightmare Doll   Value 150-200 KK

Yellow Rose   A few sold at the market in Antica. 150KK-250KK

Blue Sphere  A few sold at the market in Antica. 60KK-80KK

Medals :

Royal Medal (unwritten) I recently bought Antica for 25kk. The written is cheaper.

Badge of Glory (written) Was sold for 15kk in Antica.

Heavy Medal  (written)  Sold in Kenora for 40KK Check post here.

by (6,736 points)
:o 400KK for Crunor's Heart? Seriously? Wew...
by (4,161 points)
I edited my answer.
I will try to edit when the prices are change. Because prices are going up. Other items have also been added.
by (1,141 points)
Some items here appear to be overpriced, some underpriced.  Can you add sources to all of them? Additionally, if you sold something yourself, please provide the date of transaction, as inflation affects the prices.
by (4,161 points)
Maybe you think they are exaggerated. But that's the fact. The fact that someone very long time ago could not sell a Black Knight doll for this price does not mean that it is not worth that much now. The price of 150kk was a long time ago, the same is with the Midnight Panter doll when the price was 150kk. Price for items going up and you have no control over it. Reseller buys cheaper and sells it more in order to earn. Let me give you an example. It gives the prices that were recently known and for how much they were sold. And not the prices from six months ago. You answered yourself 40kk six months ago for the epaminondas doll. For example, six months ago the Ferumbras Hat was worth 300kk less than it is now. I know the value of the prices perfectly. A few months ago, someone sold an owl for 100kk on Antica. After a short time i saw that you also sell owls for 150kk (sentimental value). You didn't sell because it wasn't worth that much at the time and nobody was interesed with that price. A long time has passed since then and the value has increased. You can try to sell it. Maybe now you will understand :)

The prices are as current as possible. I sold my items up to a month ago :)
by (4,161 points)
edited by
You still don't understand my answers. I know it's hard for you to agree with someone so I'll explain it to you in more detail. Prices changed very quickly. This is due to several things (char baazaar, price for Tibia coins) and other. As for the Tibiabosses price check, did you check when prices are updated? For example. There was a price for Midnight Panther for 13k tc, tell me when did you see offer for that price? Or like Ferumbras Hat? Its hard to keep track of so many items so that's understandable they're not able to update it all regularly, therefore its good to do some individual research rather than just basing on someone else's work.

Tell me where did you see that i take your affairs out in public? I just gave you an example of how you tried to sell your owl, but in those days it wasn't worth that much. Someone sold it  for 100kk before you post. I tried to let you know how prices fluctuate even after a few months. Why are you trying to slander me? I'm not even interested in what the history was like, I just confirmed the facts of the sale. Very not pretty of you.
The same goes for your comment. How do you infer who I am? Are you playing detective? Why do you say that I lying as I described and provided links to the transaction? This is what a person with good intence does? slander someone on the basis of prices that do not suit him?

Btw.  about Little Adventurer Doll, if you didn't notice I gave information from the forum where the person put up for sale, if you still want to look for lies, please take a look at your answers and start drawing conclusions from them.
I didn't like your attack from me anyway, i know it hurts you terribly that the prices are so high, but at least i am not listing the prices of the items that suit me. I have given the real prices of the items for which they were sold.

I have added some links to recent transactions. You can check yourself. I have plans to update my answer on an ongoing basis and add other fansite items.
by (5,689 points)
not with someone, but with this. You don't understand my minds either. Prices fluctuate and you are right that the price of tibia coins and the bazaar have to do with it. However, these are ONE-TIME prices for these items, which cannot prove that it is completely reliable. if an item, such as a ferumbras hat, reaches the same price many times over, it can be said that it costs 50k tibia coins. however, when one fansite item is sold ONCE for this price, it is hard to call it credible, it is better to just give the average price of the item that is certain. the offer for the 13-15k tc panther is a price that has been a real price sold several times for months. the amount of 20k tibia coins is one such transaction. it's hard to say if anyone else can give the same now. now you understand? as in my answer -> normal price is 300-350kk but someone recently bought a panther for 21k tibia coins so might be worth more in future. this is real information.

my knowledge is also based on the experiences of others and my own. Yours too, so I don't know what you see wrong with that.

The insinuation of my sale with false information is my stuff that you make public. The first owl sold for 120kk and the next one immediately after for a similar price. Like I said, my 150kk price was not a random price. And that doesn't mean it wasn't worth that much back then. It was, there was simply no buyer at the moment. It was found someone later, but I have already found another solution. this text about sentimental value ... do you really think it was okay? am I blaming you I just wrote honestly, like Williams, that these prices aren't centirely correct because they are simply the FIRST such high transactions for these items and it's hard to call them a normal price. You are the one who doesn't like the fact that someone disagrees with you.

it's not about what prices suit me. I don't know why write such nonsense. Tibia doesn't set prices for me, but as I wrote earlier - it is illogical to consider one-off transactions as the real price of the item, because it may be as I wrote - someone cared about this item and gave it above its value. it's normal.

When pasting information, it is worth checking if it is true - about Adventurer doll. As you can see, not exactly what people say is true, which actually proves my position on prices as well.

I'm just telling you that this information is  fake, and you prefer to attack me instead of changing it. I just took the minus of the answer which I consider exorbitant prices, if you correct your post I will return the vote back, you had to force my answer, even when I have real prices that the items reached in 2020. is it a good intention?  you don't have to play detective to see private prejudices in your behavior.
by (4,161 points)
I will not talk with you anymore because you can see that it makes no sense. Is just waste of my time.

I don't want to explain again to you anymore because you still don't understand. Read my comments a few more times. Maybe in the end you will understand and not necessarily you are making a problem :) Not the first time and probably not the last time i see you attacking someone on this and other pages.

And i will not change my answer because only you do not like it. The more so as the prices are normal. Forcing someone to change their response is not appropriate. Especially since you don't know the prices.
by (5,689 points)
reshown by
it is wanting the correct information, not attacking someone. much of your information is false as I mentioned before. I just wanted to make you tweak your answer. The price of 20k tc is still not 500kk. Likewise, crunor's heart has never hit a price of 400kk or more. same adventurer dolli is 3 on pvp servers. so did adamant shield - its last price was 250kk and it was hard to find a buyer. I know about it, because I initially proposed this price and the owner said that he had a better one, but in the end he wrote to me because that person changed his mind. I changed my mind too and the item was sold for 250 to someone else. therefore, instead of arguing and arguing with me, you could get a little humble and try to correct your answer since Williams also thinks these prices are not entirely correct. but apparently some are infallible... have a nice evening and i will end this disscusion too.
by (120 points)
@Tynusiiaa  Why did you hide my responses where I am explaining to you that you are wrong? Seriously, why do you take everything as an attack when people simply correct your mistake? This seriously annoyed me. Is there any admin on this fansite?
by (5,689 points)
I just made a suggestion to improve prices as suggested average, not excessive. Of course, this information is cool that people can give so much money, but there are a lot of bugs also. I don't know why an unnecessary discussion and the author of the answer calls his friends for support. take it easy. I hid it because I think the 700kk offer might have been a troll and I don't want to mess people up with my answer. you can add your own if you want! :)
by (4,161 points)
I don't use friends, but it's good that they came and told the truth about the items. As you can see, you are trying to lie yourself without even having a clue about the transactions. You just started to make a trash here with my answer because the prices do not suit you and in addition you are insinuating a lie, where you lied like it was with the panther.
You really see a problem everywhere and you can't understand the simple answer, you just make a fuss.
by (120 points)
What do you mean I can add my own? I thought tibiaqa was for everybody or is it only for you? It is unacceptable that I spend my time to provide long text explaining my point, get a lot of up votes and you can't take the fact that I'm right so you decide to remove the whole thing. I will stop here because I don't want to offend you. Goodbye.
+1 vote
by (4,336 points)
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In my opinion price depends on what server you play. I don't know prices on non pvp serves but I know items there are cheaper. I have few fansite items so I can tell you price of my items. Crunor's Heart  cost 350kk - 400kk, panther doll  250 - 350kk, assassin doll  200kk - 300kk, black knight doll  130kk - 250kk, shield of destiny  150kk - 200kk, music box  50kk, pigeon trophy 50kk, royal medal 15kk - 20kk.

by (4,336 points)
Yes that's true + is impossible to put fansite items on market so we can't check higest, middle and lowest price.
by (5,689 points)
These are the perfect prices for these items, but unfortunately they are not very up-to-date. I know you bought them a long time ago, maybe you know their current value? or at least how much can the suggestions be worth?
by (4,336 points)
I updated my answer but these prices it's my subjective opinion.
0 votes
by (6,736 points)

Recently I've seen The Epic Wisdom  on EU non-PvP for 130kk.
